Colourful payments thanks to Clover

Valy Pintiuc, a passionate entrepreneur from Amsterdam, is the owner of Bar Blend, Blend XL and Be Femme. Born in Romania and with a background in economics, he moved to the Netherlands in 2000. His journey in the Dutch hospitality world began in a friend's café, where he got to know the language and culture. Valy's determination and perseverance were tested when his boyfriend and co-owner unexpectedly passed away. Despite the challenges and sense of loss, Valy decided to continue the café and keep his friend's legacy alive.

Valy's ventures play a crucial role in Amsterdam's gay scene by providing a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. In 2007, he transformed the Amstel Tavern into a modern grand café with an open and inclusive mentality. The dark windows were made open and transparent so that everyone could look inside. "Why do we have to hide behind those closed windows?" says Valy. "It was 2007 and the LGBT+ community was accepted." His vision to create a place where everyone is welcome, regardless of background or identity, has made his businesses a popular destination in the bustling Reguliersdwarsstraat.

Satisfied customers and staff, a win-win situation

Since 2020, Valy has been using Clover, as its payment and cash register system. It started as a trial and quickly became a success story. "It went so easily that I immediately decided to switch," says Valy. He particularly appreciates the versatility of Clover: "It is a clear, an open book. We could also keep all the inventory in the device. You work with a POS system with all kinds of functions, which you can quickly operate in any way. Much more efficient and faster."

Valy's staff also benefit from Clover, especially through built-in app for tips. ‘My employees talk to other employees on the street and my customers also talk. Other business owners in the street sometimes ask, how do your staff get so many tips? Clover's system is just easy where the customer chooses how much to tip. This also encourages staff to work better and give more attention," he explains. Personal attention to his customers is very important to Valy. Thanks to Clover's tipping feature, his employees are happy to go the extra mile.

Thanks to Clover, Valy was able to increase his efficiency and improve customer satisfaction. "We use the terminals both inside and on our outdoor terraces. There is always good coverage. Fortunately, we never experienced any disruptions. That is very important, because during the crowds at Gay Pride, for example, about 7,000 people are on the same network. You expect an outage then, but fortunately we haven't experienced that yet." In addition, the inventory management application takes a lot of work off your hands. "You know exactly when to buy," says Valy.

Clover offers me a very comprehensive and efficient way of doing business. I can set everything the way I want and can adjust menu prices weekly or even daily.

Valy Pintiuc

Bar Blend, Blend XL and Be Femme

Clover's role in Valy's growth and success

Clover has helped Valy Pintiuc make his businesses more efficient and customer-friendly. With applications such as tipping capabilities, inventory, comprehensive reporting and hassle-free payment processing, he can focus on providing an excellent experience to his customers. Thanks to Clover, both Valy's customers and his staff are more satisfied, which has contributed to the growth and success of his businesses. In the near future, Valy will also start using more Clover payment terminals during events at Reguliersdwarsstraat and Gay Pride.